URGENT: MD Bill HB 654 and Senate Bill 937 Threaten To Strip Local Control of Cell Towers.
These bills are fully supported by cell tower companies and they have hired lots of lobbyists to push their agenda.
They would remove local zoning review in approving small cells.
County and city safety standards would not apply.
- This means small cells will be deployed on Maryland street lights, buildings, and near homes without any say from local voices.
- That means these towers could be right up next to our homes – mere feet from our bedroom windows.
Basically, the bill strips the County and our towns and cities from almost all their authority to ensure these facilities are safe and appropriately placed in our communities.
Many of us have worked with our local cities and towns to craft local ordinances to govern the placement of these small cell towers. All of that work would be null and void if HB 654 passes.
We made the difference and halted this bill last year. We can do it again by raising our voices loud and clear.
1. Please call the following members of the Maryland House Economic Matters Committee today.
Please email them. Tell them “Do Not Pass HR 654! Protect Our Families! Preserve Local Zoning Over Cell Towers.”
Please email them. Tell them “Do Not Pass HR 654! Protect Our Families! Preserve Local Zoning Over Cell Towers.”
easy to paste list email addresses <Benjamin.Brooks@house.state.md.us>, <brian.crosby@house.state.md.us>, <ct.wilson@house.state.md.us>, <cheryl.glenn@house.state.md.us>,<christopher.adams@house.state.md.us>, <courtney.watson@house.state.md.us>, <dereck.davis@house.state.md.us>, <Diana.Fennell@house.state.md.us>,<eric.bromwell@house.state.md.us>, <Johnny.Mautz@house.state.md.us>, <kathleen.dumais@house.state.md.us>, <kris.valderrama@house.state.md.us>,<lily.qi@house.state.md.us>, <lorig.charkoudian@house.state.md.us>, <mark.fisher@house.state.md.us>, <MaryAnn.Lisanti@house.state.md.us>,<mike.rogers@house.state.md.us>, <Ned.Carey@house.state.md.us>, <pam.queen@house.state.md.us>, <rick.impallaria@house.state.md.us>,<Seth.Howard@house.state.md.us>, <steven.arentz@house.state.md.us>, <talmadge.branch@house.state.md.us>, <warren.miller@house.state.md.us>
Call and Write to the House Economic Matters Committee. If you can only make a few phone calls please call the following THREE IMPORTANT members. Tell them “Do Not Pass HR 654! Protect Our Families! Preserve Local Zoning Over Cell Towers.” Kathleen Dumais 410-841-3052 - kathleen.dumais@house.state.md.us (Majority Leader of the House, Montgomery County Delegate, on House Economic Matters) Dereck Davis – 410-841-3519 email: dereck.davis@house.state.md.us (Mr. Davis is the Chair of the House Economic Matters Committee) Lily Qui – 410-841-3090 -lily.qi@house.state.md.us (Our house delegate, Montgomery County Delegate on Economic Matters Committee) Pam Queen - 410.841.3380 – pam.queen@house.state.md.us (Montgomery County Delegate on Economic Matters) Lourig Charkoudian - 410.841.3423 – lorig.charkoudian@house.state.md.us (Montgomery County Delegate from Takoma Park on the Economic Matters Committee) |
2. Please be sure to CC to ALL your elected officials.
3. Contact by phone your city and district elected officials and call on them to oppose this bill officially with a letter. Set up a meeting to talk with them in person if possible. If you are in a homeowners association, please ask them to vote on a position as well. Get your local community involved in stopping the bill.
Here is a sample note you can send in an email:
Dear Delegate Brooks:
Please oppose this terrible bill!
On February 21, you will hear HB 654. This bill is a giveaway to the telecom industry. At the expense of taxpayers and local communities!
It strips citizens of our voice in our community. This bill would obliterate local laws – laws that we as a community have crafted to protect our homes and families. The telecom companies place their cell towers with no regard for the safety of our community.
It strips citizens of our voice in our community. This bill would obliterate local laws – laws that we as a community have crafted to protect our homes and families. The telecom companies place their cell towers with no regard for the safety of our community.
Please protect our local communities. Don't pass this bill or ANY bill which preempts counties and cities rights to regulate small cells.
See below a video of Senator Blumenthal clarifying that we are "flying blind" on health and safety with 5G.
See below a video of Senator Blumenthal clarifying that we are "flying blind" on health and safety with 5G.
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